For over 20 years Jane and I have been operating a cabin rental and fishing guide service. Yes, we still enjoy it.
Probably the biggest reason we still do what we do is so many of our guests have become friends. Case in point, Ken and Michelle Kovitch.
The Kovitch’s have been coming to Alaska since 2011. They love being in Alaska so much that they bought property in the Mat-Su Valley. Even though their place is a five hour drive to the Kenai River, they still make it down a couple of times a summer to recreate. We always look forward to seeing them.
Ken and Michelle both retired a couple of years ago, but it doesn’t mean life has slowed down. On the contrary. Between travel, hunting, fishing, and side hobbies, they’re busier than ever. And, we’ve been lucky recipients of their creative outlets. This past summer we were surprised with a handmade, custom corn hole game.
On one board is our logo and on the other is a map of the lower Kenai River. It’s really quite stunning.
I’ll have to admit, I don’t come from a corn hole playing world, but the game has become a big hit at the cabins. On many occasions, I’d be walking up from the dock at the end of my guiding day to find guests playing corn hole. It would make me smile every time.
Of course, beverages and friendly trash talk were also part of the game.
Not only did the Kovitch’s gift us a corn hole game, we also got a couple of other items Michelle created. In the forefront are car cup coasters with our logo. Behind the coasters are coffee flasks. One has our logo all over it and the other has fishing lures with “EASILY DISTRACTED BY SHINY OBJECTS” written on it. We had a good laugh about that because Michelle knows I’m a dumpster diver and will stop anywhere, anytime, to retrieve a lost “shiny” lure.
But wait, there’s more!
If that wasn’t enough, this past Christmas we received a package from the Kovitch’s. Michelle said she wanted to send Jane several carrying bags she wasn’t using. She didn’t mention a photo/puzzle of the two of us holding a red salmon. You know, most people usually forward photos on their phone. Not Michelle. That would be too easy and ordinary. She’s clearly unique and unpredictable in the best possible way.

Hey guys, we appreciate your kindness and friendship! We can’t wait to see you again this summer.