When I see a sunrise, I think of a new day, the start of a new beginning. Another new experience, a new adventure in to the unknown. Yes, even a cold winter sunrise on Beaver Creek will evoke feelings of what is to come.
If you don’t know already, I’m a life long fisherman and an optimist by nature. Maintaining an I’m going-to- catch-one-soon attitude is especially vital while I’m fishing. Without it, motivation is lost, and negativity creeps in. I know I can fish for hours, heck, even days without a bite because “you never know what can happen”. One more cast, one last troll can make all the difference in the day.
Jane says I’m not a “half full” kinda guy. I’m an “always full” kinda guy. I always try to see the best in everything.
However, I’m also a cynic/realist by experience. I’m reminded of this duality every year when the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFG) releases the salmon run forecasts for the Kenai River.
In the next month or two ADFG will release the Kenai River forecast. My forecast of their forecast is the king salmon run will be poor, the red salmon run will be good/strong, and the silver salmon run will be unknown. Unknown because there are no sonar or test nets to monitor the silver run.
Some times ADFG’s forecast is accurate, some times it’s not. It’s an educated guess at best. Only Mother Nature will know for sure how many fish will return to their natal streams.
My outlook for 2025 has nothing to do with run strength. I’m going to enjoy what each day brings on the river and take in the beauty that is around me all with the company I keep.
I can’t wait for the season to begin.