There are many reasons why I enjoy fishing for silver salmon. One of them is getting out to a favorite fishing hole waiting for the sun to rise. With the break of dawn and first light, fish start to get active and will strike. Well, most of the time.
Not everyone likes sitting in a boat in the dark waiting. For me, it’s a peaceful time. It often leads to introspection and memories of fishing with my father.
On the mornings I’m greeted with a sunrise like in the photo above, I can hear my father’s voice reciting an old fisherman’s proverb.
Red sky at night, sailor’s delight. Red sky in the morning, sailor’s take warning.
And if the wind picks up I’ll hear him say…
When the wind is from the east, fish bite the least. When the wind is from the west, fish bite the best.
Even though both proverbs are not 100% true all of the time, great memories of fishing with my father are.
Another proverb he would often say during a slow day of fishing was:
A bad day of fishing is still better than the best day at the office!
I consider myself very fortunate to spend so many days on the water learning from him
Anybody else care to share a fishing proverb? I can think of a lot more, but feel free to share yours in the comment section.